Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Rumour has it...

Hardisty Lake after sunset

Hello from Vancouver. It's a lovely day here -- even though it's supposed to rain AGAIN in a few hours. But that's OK, at least it's nice and warm and the flowers are blooming everywhere.

We're in the process of gathering up our papers, sharpening our pencils and making last-minute travel arrangements for our return trip to Hardisty tomorrow. This past week has flown by and we're looking forward to getting back into town.

Our research team is particularly excited because they'll get to meet some of the families they've been talking to over the phone this past week. Apparently, a lot of new families have been in contact with us and that's beyond fantastic. It will be nice to be able to put faces to the names and voices.

Before we sign off and get back to work, we'd like to address what we've been told is a rumour going around town. Word on the street is that divorced women are not invited on the trip and man, oh man, that couldn't be any further from the truth! We want EVERY woman to join us in the Rockies! So if you haven't signed up for this reason, please contact us right away. Come on, divorcees -- you survived "the split" -- don't you deserve a holiday?

See you tomorrow...

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