Monday, April 16, 2007

AWWW about to hit Hardisty again!

It’s been two weeks since Hardisty was announced as the location for The Week the Women Went, and a lot has happened since. The town has been buzzing about the news, and so far it’s been overwhelmingly positive. On our front, we’ve opened a new Vancouver office, our very own Women Went productions, tucked into a blue and pink building that resembles a square cake. Pink and blue, girls and boys – it’s fitting that the colours match the subject.

We’re excited to return to Hardisty this month for our first trip back since the announcement was made. We’ll be holding another town meeting, our third, on April 26th to answer any questions Hardistonians might have of us. We’ll also ask them a few questions of our own, like; how will your family, business or organization function without women for a week? What plans can you put in place to make it possible for the women in your life to go away, while the men and children continue work…school…baseball…grocery shopping…laundry…? Ladies, what sounds more appealing- a spa treatment or white water rafting? A week of volunteer work for charity or a hot stone massage?

And there is also the question of the community project. We’ll be asking the people of Hardisty to ponder what they would like to see built at the end of the week. A skate rink? Water-park? Amphitheatre? There is a ton to think about as we enter this next phase of The Week the Women Went. We’re looking forward to finding the answers together… come back often for updates.

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