Friday, January 5, 2007

A Week Without Women choose their shortlist of the Top Three Towns!

Wow! It's 2007 and we have all survived our winter treks through our top towns in BC and Alberta!

The team here at Paperny Films is extremely appreciative of the support we have received in all of the towns we visited: Lillooet, Clinton, Kaslo, in BC and Hardisty, Legal, Bashaw, Consort and in Alberta. We want to thank everyone who hosted our visit, promoted the show and opened their homes to us. We also want to thank the kind people who helped us out of the ditch when we went off the road…who steered us right when we went an hour in the wrong direction…and who kindly returned all the valuables we left in our hotel rooms!

After talking to hundreds of wonderful people in around 50 incredible towns (and after some major debate and deliberation here in the office!) we have finally decided on our top 3 towns for A Week Without Women. This was no easy decision, given the enthusiasm, warmth, and spirit that we found in every place we visited. If only we could shoot everywhere! Sound the horns, please!

LILLOOET, BC, otherwise known as “BC's little nugget”, is on the list…

So is, BASHAW, Alberta, home to groovy bluegrass festivals and the Majestic Theatre, and

HARDISTY, Alberta....where 85% of Canada’s oil and gas is stored, and where it feels a bit like the wild west.

We will have to make a final decision in February about our number one town. That's going to be really difficult! So, in the meantime, we need to hear from people in the towns on the shortlist who want to take part in this exciting new television show. If you live in one of these towns and want to get involved please check out our website: for details on how you can participate.

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